
The Jealous Bragging Turtle



  The Jealous Bragging Turtle

  On the old Hazle Farm Plantation, there was a turtle by the name of Cootah. Now, Cootah was a handsome guy, with the shinest, prettiest shell you ever wanted to see.

  Folks would come from far and near to see themselves in Cootah‘s shell. Cootah was not only the most handsome turtle around, he was also about the smartest and very, very clever.

  He went around always bragging and boasting about how good he looked and how smart and clever he was. Cootah was so stuck-up,he could be rather rude and mean to other folks.

  There was nothing on the plantation that Cootah couldn’t do better than anyone else except fly. Now, instead of being grateful for all the great things he could do, he just sat around being jealous and trying to figure out how he could fly.

  He would sit for hours and hours, imagine how famous he would be , being the first fly turtle in the world. He would be the talk of the town , with news reporters coming from all over and fighting about who would be the first to interveiw him. The longer he thought about it, the angrier he got. But just when he thought he couldn‘t take it any longer, two sisters came wadding to the pond for a cool drink of water, Sadie Goose and her sister Goosie Goose.

  Now Sadie and Goosie were not the prettiest, nor were they the smartest two girls around the plantation, but they sure were polite and humble.

  Unlike Cootah,the girls were always polite to others and finding something nice to say to and about folks .When they passed by, they would say “Good morning,Howdy-do?”

  But now that Cootah, he would hardly speak to you even if you spoke to him first, and if he did crack his teeth to speak, it was most likely a snobby grunt.

  Cootah was just about to leave because he didn’t want to talk to these two, especially since they could fly and he couldn‘t. He hated the fact that someone as smart and good-looking as he was, could fly, when these two plain Janes could.

  He was just about to say something mean to them whe he remembered the sisters could fly, and just maybe, he could trick them into helping him be the first flying turtle. This would be his chance as would fame.

  He waited untill Sadie was by herself and then he went over and started sweet-talking to her. Sadie was so flattered and surprised that Cootah would talk so nice to her that, when he asked her to do him a favour of holding one end of a stick and don’t let go , she was more than happy to oblige.

  Well, no sooner than that was done,Cootah slid on over to Goosie, Sadie‘s sister, and gave her the same sweet-talking lines he had given her sister.

  Just like Sdie, Goosie was equally as flattered and surprised. She got to blinking and batting her eyes at Cootah. He knew he had her tricked, so he asked her if she would go over where her sister was and grab hold to the other end of the stick,Goosie honked,“sure,Cootah......anything for you.” As both girls held onto the ends of the stick,Cootah got in the middle and told the sisters,“ when I grab onto the middle , you two start flapping your wings.The girls did as Cootah had instructed and soon the three were high,high up in the sky. Everyone on the plantation and surrounding areas stopped what they were doing and started gazing up to see what was going on. Soon,the newspeople were there from everywhere. Cootah was thinking to himself how clever he was.

  His plan was working when he heard two reporters discussing who was going to be the first to interview those two smart birds that had a turtle up in the sky flying, Cootah said to himself, “Smat birds! smart birds!Don’t they know it was my brilliant idea and not some old birds.”

  Cootah was so angry steam was coming out his nose, his ears and from under his shell when Cootah thought he was about to pop from anger . He opened his mouth to say, “them......”

  Before he could say the mean,jealous words, he forgot about needing to hold onto the stick and fell flat to the ground,splattering into a million pieces. Those two girls came down and were interviewed by all the reporters . They became famous all over the world.

  Now that old Cootah ,with his jealous, bragging, mean self -you can find him in the hair section at your local department store ,look for the pretty tortoise shell hair bands and bows. That‘ll be old Cootah ,the jealous bragging turtle.


本文来源: https://www.qinzijiaoyu.com/a/65b45c5c8c4ed9ff5f097e89.html
